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Ingeteam news

Ingeteam is awarded 555 MW in supply contracts of photovoltaic inverters in Mexico

Ingeteam is awarded 555 MW in supply contracts of photovoltaic inverters in Mexico

-  Thanks to these new contracts, Ingeteam totals nearly 800 MW of PV inverters supplied to Mexico

-  Ingeteam maintains 49% of the Mexican solar plants

-  From the 21st to the 24th of May Ingeteam is to exhibit at MIREC WEEK, Mexico’s main renewable energy trade show

Ingeteam, a leading company in the design of power and control electronics, electric machines and electrical engineering, has recently signed a number of contracts for the supply of photovoltaic plants to Mexico, a country in which the company has a considerable market share in the wind and solar power sectors, and in the provision of operation and maintenance services for energy generation plants.

The company, which has been present in this country since 1998, is to supply 555MW of solar PV inverters, mostly directed at large solar plants, although part of the supply is for commercial plants based on string inverters.

Most of the supply corresponds to the Skid series for Ingeteam's Inverter Station, comprising a metal platform or skid holding all the low and medium voltage devices required (LV/MV transformer, MV cells, LV switchgear and auxiliary services transformer), in addition to the central inverters pertaining to the INGECON SUN PowerMax B series. This equipment has a total output power of 551 MW and is to be supplied to four photovoltaic plants located in the states of Baja California, Durango, Sonora and San Luis Potosí. The supply comprises a total of 343 central photovoltaic inverters, all with the very latest 1500 Vdc technology.

One of these three projects represents the first PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) in Mexico between a private generator and the end user.

Moreover, Ingeteam has recently commissioned two solar plants with a total output power of more than 60 MW in the state of Chihuahua. These plants have also been equipped with the Inverter Station solution with 1500 Vdc photovoltaic inverters.

These new contracts serve to strengthen Ingeteam's position in Mexico, where it is the leading company in the supply of power converters (with 2.5GW for wind and solar PV plants). It is also the leading provider of operation and maintenance services with 2.5GW of maintained renewable power, which means that the company is responsible for the maintenance of 49% of the total installed power in Mexico.

This leadership has been consolidated in the last year thanks to several important operation and maintenance contracts, like the one for the 35.5 MWp Camargo PV plant, located in the state of Chihuahua. Thanks to these contracts, Ingeteam maintains 55% of the total solar power installed in the country.

Furthermore, Ingeteam was recently awarded a supply contract for Latin America’s largest PV plant. Thanks to this contract, Villanueva solar park’s electric substations have been equipped with a highly advanced automation system, thanks to which Ingeteam has reached the figure of more than 2,000 MW of substations for renewable energy plants digitalized in Mexico. Thus, Ingeteam consolidates itself as a benchmark for grid digitalization in a double manner: first, through digital electronics in PC&M systems for substations automation; and second thanks to its reactive energy compensation systems (Statcom) for grid code compliance in renewable and industrial installations.

Several offices in the country

In Mexico, Ingeteam has several offices dedicated to different activities. In the country’s capital city –Mexico City- and in Juchitán de Zaragoza –Oaxaca-, two Ingeteam offices are dedicated to wind and solar O&M works, PV inverter commercialization, development of substations for renewable energy plants and distribution of equipment and execution of projects for the protection and automation of the electric grid.

Moreover, the Company develops an important social role in the regions where it is present. For example, Ingeteam implements some renewable energy diffusion projects in the region of the Tehuantepec isthmus, in order to spread the knowledge about renewable energies among the communities, contributing to a deeper understanding of these relatively new technologies.

Exhibiting at MIREC WEEK

Ingeteam will be present once again at Mexico’s main clean energy trade show: MIREC WEEK. Mexico City’s World Trade Center will host this event that will take place from the 21st to the 24th of May. The visitors will be able to have a more in-depth understanding of Ingeteam’s main solutions for the solar PV and energy storage sectors, as well as for its O&M services for energy generation power plants.
