• Substation automation, protection and control

    Substation automation, protection and control

INGEPAC™ EF ZT is a distance protection relay with five independent zones of operation on which MHO or quadrilateral characteristic can be set independently, suitable for transmission lines or multibreaker configurations such as breaker and a half or ring. It determines the type of fault, differentiating among three-phase, two-phase and earth faults.

INGEPAC™ EF ZT includes backup units for one or two breakers, synchronism checking functions or automatic reclose with different timings for single-pole or three-pole trips. It also provides teleprotection schemes or fault locator function that provides distance to the fault.



  • Five zones distance protection with indendent analysis per each phase combination (AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA), characteristic (quadrilateral and MHO) and zone
  • Single-phase or three-phase trip. Applicable with or without teleprotection schemes
  • Distance units supervision: power swing, load encroachment, fuse failure, etc.
  • Teleprotection and blocking schemes: DTT, PUTT, POTT, etc.
  • IEC 61850 native platform
  • PRP, HSR and link failover redundancy
  • Automatisms, logics under IEC 61131-3 standard
  • Captures analog measurements using Sampled Values (SV) protocol, through IEC 61850-9-2 or IEC 61869-9 standards
  • Cybersecurity features: sFTP, HTTPs, firewall, audit log, password accessing
  • Slave protocol: IEC 61850, DNP 3.0, IEC 870-5-103/104, Modbus, PROCOME
  • Synchronization sources: IEEE 1588, SNTP or IRIG-B




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