Expo Fimer

08/03/2023 - 09/03/2023

La segunda edición de EXPOFIMER se celebrará en Feria de Zaragoza, los días 8 y 9 de marzo de 2023, con el objetivo de repetir el éxito cosechado en la primera edición y con el reto de aumentar el número de expositores, sesiones técnicas y público asistente de la que ya es la feria referente del sec...

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Hydropower & Dams

14/03/2023 - 16/03/2023

The AMI Hydropower Foundation was created in 2007 as a means to promote the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of hydropower, and the responsible use of water resources for the public benefit.  

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Hannover Messe

17/04/2023 - 21/04/2023

HANNOVER MESSE is the most important international platform and hot spot for industrial transformation - with excellent innovations or unusual products. Here you will find all the facts that make one thing even clearer: participation is an absolute "must"!

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Wind Europe

25/04/2023 - 27/04/2023

WindEurope is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind energy across Europe. We have over 400 members from across the whole value chain of wind energy: wind turbine manufacturers, component suppliers, power utilities and wind farm developers, financial institutions, research institute...

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24/04/2023 - 27/04/2023

La mayor feria minera de Latinoamérica está consolidada como un espacio que promueve la transferencia de conocimientos, experiencias y especialmente la oferta de tecnologías que contribuyen a la innovación y aumento de la productividad de los procesos mineros, lo que la convierte en una gran platafo...

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AISTech 2023

08/05/2023 - 11/05/2023

AIST conference programs are developed by technology committee members representing iron and steel producers, their allied suppliers and related academia. ​Committees focus on ironmaking, steelmaking, finishing processes, and various engineering and equipment technologies.

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10/05/2023 - 12/05/2023

Australian Water Association (AWA) and Ozwater AWA is Australia’s most extensive water network inspiring and driving a sustainable water future. Whether it’s expanding your business internationally, supporting young water professionals through mentoring, connecting with likeminded prof...

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25/05/2023 - 26/05/2023

La quinta edición de EFICAM cerró sus puertas con cerca de 3.000 visitantes profesionales y más de medio centenar de expositores avalan el éxito del certamen. Asimismo, supuso un magnífico escaparate de las últimas tecnologías del mercado para hacer crecer el negocio del instalador en áreas como la ...

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CIRED 2023

12/06/2023 - 15/06/2023

CIRED, the Leading Forum where the Electricity Distribution Community meets, holds the major International Electricity Conference & Exhibition every two years in different venues in Europe with a worldwide perspective and participation. CIRED is always evolving and the 2023 event is the confere...

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11/05/2023 - 11/05/2023

The Water Equipment Show is the ideal event for those operating within the Water and Wastewater Industries, showcasing a wide range of equipment and services that are available from many of the UK's leading manufacturers, suppliers and contractors. The technical con...

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