• Substation automation, protection and control

    Substation automation, protection and control

INGEPAC™ EFx BD is the equipment that acts as the central unit of a busbar protection.

The bus differential protection is based on a distributed architecture based on the IEC 61850 standard, taking advantage of the communications between the INGEPAC™ EFx BD central unit and the INGEPAC™ EF position units.

INGEPAC™ EFx BD processes all the information received from the INGEPAC™ EF units as Multicast Sampled Values type messages and will send the different trip orders to these units through GOOSE messages.



  • Distributed bus differential protection
  • Includes: Checkzone, Differential Alarm, Inrush, 86, Dead Zone, Breaker Failure
  • Up to 5 zones/bars and 24 position units
  • Based on process bus communications according to IEC 61950-9-2
  • Native IEC 61850 platform
  • PRP, HSR redundancy both for the station bus and with the position units
  • Automation, logic under the IEC 61131-3 standard
  • Cybersecurity: sFTP, HTTPs, firewall, event auditing, password access
  • Protocol with station bus selectable by setting: IEC 61850, DNP 3.0, IEC 60870-5-104, Modbus, IEC 870-5-103, PROCOME
  • IEEE 1588, SNTP or IRIG-B synchronization

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