• Mehr als 2700 MWh installiert

    Mehr als 2700 MWh installiert

Energie > Energiespeicherung


Development of advanced energy storage solutions. These solutions, based on power and control electronics, meet the energy manageability needs with regard to generation, distribution and consumption.

  • Integration of battery storage in renewable energy generation plants (PV, wind power, marine, etc.).
  • Integration of battery energy storage or supercapacitors in power grids.
  • Integration of battery energy storage for homes and end consumers.

Lösungen im Versorgungsbereich

Battery inverters that allow to make the most os a PV plant, ensuring grid stability even on cloudy days.

Three-phase transformerless storage inverter with a battery voltage range up to 1,500 Vdc, directed at AC-coupled energy storage systems.

MV turnkey solution up to 7.65 MVA, with all the elements integrated on a full skid, equipped with one or two INGECON SUN STORAGE 3Power C Series inverters.

Three-phase battery inverter with a single power block and 1,500V technology directed at AC-coupled energy storage systems.

Battery inverter directed at DC-coupled solar-plus-storage hybrid systems.

Three-phase bidirectional converter for energy storage systems. Maximum DC voltage (1,500 V) and wide voltage range. Avaliable in Q4 2024. 

A medium voltage station for virtual centralized BES Systems with 1,500 V string inverters. Available in Q4 2024. 

Bi-directional buck converter for battery energy storage 1500 V system. Available Q1 2025.

Power plant control system (PPC) to guarantee the quality and stability of the electric supply.

Residential, commercial and industrial solutions

Single-phase battery inverter with two integrated photovoltaic inputs for residential and commercial use.

Three-phase hybrid inverter with 10, 15, 20 or 30 kVA of rated output power and 2 independent MPPTs. Ideal solution for commercial self-consumption installations.

Three-phase battery inverter with 100 kW of rated power for industrial self-consumption systems.


Extended warranty conditions

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