Ingeteam offers its clients comprehensive, integrated power flow control solutions, including consultancy involving in-depth analysis of the best option, detailed engineering, specifications, and supply of both fundamental elements and auxiliary ones.
Power flow control solutions allow you to manage power transfer options in transmission and distribution lines.
In general terms, they improve the efficiency of transmission and distribution lines and improve the quality of the electrical supply through the dynamic management of reactive capacitive and inductive energy (supplied by the converter itself) and active energy (managing its flow between 2 existing grids).
- Soft Open Points (SOP)
It allows lines with the same or different voltage levels, angle or even frequency to be interconnected and makes it possible to manage two-way power flows whilst permitting their voltage to be regulated separately.

- Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
This allows you to vary the impedance of transmission and distribution lines to control the power flow through them.

Ingeteam has the only SSSC reference in Europe (exclusive), installed in Spain, in the 220 kV grid belonging to the Spanish transmission grid operator, Red Eléctrica de España.