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Ingeteam news

Ingeteam celebrates the 25th anniversary of its subsidiary in the Czech Republic

Ingeteam celebrates the 25th anniversary of its subsidiary in the Czech Republic

This year Ingeteam a.s., the Czech subsidiary of Ingeteam, is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary in this central European country. During the 25 years of its existence, the company has executed more than 2,000 projects for over 250 customers, marketing its products in the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Russia, China, Algeria and Luxembourg, among other countries.

The subsidiary, located in Ostrava, has implemented numerous projects, either together with the parent company and other group companies or independently. Ingeteam a.s. currently has a staff of 92 employees, working for different industrial sectors, primarily the steel industry, material handling systems, paper, wood and plastics.

Among the latest orders, particular mention should be made of the galvanizing line upgrades for an important multinational metalworking company and collaborations in other sectors such as rail traction (particularly in Poland) and photovoltaic energy.

The company's completed its first order in the Czech Republic in 1990, comprising the supply of electrical and automation equipment for a steel continuous casting installation for the company Nova Hut. Following this order, and analyzing the growth possibilities in this Central European country and its good access to other countries in central and eastern Europe, as well as Asia, Ingeteam decided to establish itself in this country.

Precisely in the year in which the Czech Republic is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia as an independent country, the Ingeteam subsidiary is celebrating its 25th anniversary there. The anniversary event was attended by the chairman of Ingeteam, Teresa Madariaga, together with the CEO, Adolfo Rebollo, both of whom praised the work performed by the subsidiary. The event was also attended by a strong representation of customers, business colleagues, workers and executives.
