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Ingeteam news

Ingeteam is part of one of the most modern substations in Brazil

Ingeteam is part of one of the most modern substations in Brazil
Ingeteam is pleased to form part of one of the most modern substations in Brazil, belonging to ELEKTRO Eletricidade e Serviços S.A., which is presented in the video which follows.

In this substation, Ingeteam has supplied its digital control and protection solution in which its latest technology has been applied to native IEC 61850 IEDs belonging to the INGEPAC™ EF family.

This project involved the intense application of the resources and benefits provided by the IEC 61850 standard, with extensive use of GOOSE messages applied to a series of automatic operations, important at IED level, such as Automatic Line Transfer, Without Pick Transfer, Transformer Parallel Operation, Logic Selectivity, Distributed Load Shedding, amongst others.

Consideration was also given to the application of an Intelligent System, developed by Ingeteam, for completely validating the logic of this Substation during the factory testing phase.

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