
Automation Devices

Ingeteam and the CFAA (Advanced Aeronautics Manufacturing Centre) collaborate in monitoring machining processes for the aeronautics industry

Ingeteam and the CFAA (Advanced Aeronautics Manufacturing Centre) collaborate in monitoring machining processes for the aeronautics industry

Last April, Ingeteam supplied the CFAA with an INGESYS IC3 system to monitor high-sensitivity sensors that will be integrated in a broaching bench used to perform R&D on machining processes for low-pressure turbine discs for aircraft engines. The INGESYS IC3 solution will be used to monitor high...
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Ingeteam will equip new vehicles for Poland

Ingeteam will equip new vehicles for Poland

Ingeteam will supply the electric traction systems for 12 locomotives and 8 EMUs. The traction equipment, designed and manufactured by Ingeteam, will be installed on trains operating in Poland. Ingeteam has obtained a new order for the supply of traction converters for 12 locomotives and 8 ...
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Talgo awards Ingeteam the contract for the supply of the Datalogger systems of 23 vehicles for the operator DB

Talgo awards Ingeteam the contract for the supply of the Datalogger systems of 23 vehicles for the operator DB

Last April, the company Talgo awarded Ingeteam the contract to supply 414 Datalogger acquisition systems for 23 trains that will cover the international Berlin-Amsterdam route and that will be managed by the German operator DB. The INGESYS IC2 Datalogger solution to be supplied by Ingeteam is based ...
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Mark this date on your calendar: 25-27 November

Mark this date on your calendar: 25-27 November

Since the announcement of a worldwide pandemic in March of last year, companies have been living in constant uncertainty: cancelled trips, events postponed until unknown dates, continuous changes in strategies, etc. Ingeteam has gone through the same and we have had to adapt to this new situation as...
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An INGESYS IC3 by Ingeteam conducts the orchestra of the ORTZE electrical-hybrid vessel

An INGESYS IC3 by Ingeteam conducts the orchestra of the ORTZE electrical-hybrid vessel

An INGESYS IC3 PLC made by Ingeteam automatically coordinates and manages all the operating modes of the first fishing vessel in Euskadi and in Spain capable of navigating in pure zero-emissions electrical mode.  The INGESYS IC3 is the primary component of the automation, control and monitoring...
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Ingeteam wins the contract for the Galley control systems for 33 Hitachi vehicles

Ingeteam wins the contract for the Galley control systems for 33 Hitachi vehicles

Last March, Ingeteam received the contract for the Galley control systems for a fleet of 33 Hitachi vehicles. The long/medium distance trains operate on the East Midland Rail line in the United Kingdom (London/Manchester/Leeds) under the operator Abellio. The route of the fleet can be viewed below. ...
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