The Ingecon Hydro AVR is a digital AVR system (Automatic Voltage Regulator) used for the DC excitation of the generator. This converter performs the VAR, voltage and power factor regulation. 

This compact solution offers flexibility and extreme functionality and adapts to small and large generator units alike, the latter being supplied with a separate power stage. 

Thanks to its automatic PID controller, it offers optimum performance and is easy to operate.

The Ingecon Hydro AVR can be used for generators requiring direct excitation or indirect (brushless) excitation.

- Indirect excitation current range: 5 - 25 Amps
- Direct excitation current range: 25 - 2500 Amps


- Ethernet, TCP-IP (Modbus, IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104…).
- RS232 (Modbus, 3964, IEC 60870-5-101…).

- RS485 (Modbus, 3964…)
- DNP 3.0.




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