This static compensator works both in inductive mode (reducing the grid voltage) and in capacitive mode (increasing the grid voltage). It also supports hybrid solutions in which capacitor and/or reactor banks are added to increase power. In addition, it is able to act as a voltage regulator, load balancing and active harmonic filtering device.

“The STATCOM is configured in compliance with national network codes according to the system requirements. It is used in electro-intensive sectors such as mining or metallurgy ."
Its installation is versatile since it can be located both in the electrical room and in an ISO transportable container. Each container can have a reactive power capacity of up to 14 MVAr, admitting configurations of step-down transformers with several secondaries and multiple stacking levels, which allow the handling of powers well above 100 MVAr at a voltage of 3,65 kV.

Although other reactive power compensation technologies such as SVC have been used in the past, the STATCOM allows faster compensation, being able to operate at lower grid voltages, guaranteeing reactive compensation and occupying less space. In other words, the STATCOM is faster, more capable, more flexible and more compact than the SVC.