• 33 GW of PV power installed worldwide

    33 GW of PV power installed worldwide

Greater power density
This solar PV inverter achieves a market-leading power density as it provides up to 5,378 kVA in just one power stack.

Latest generation electronics
The INGECON® SUN 3Power C Series PV inverter features an innovative control unit that performs a more efficient and sophisticated inverter control, as it uses a last-generation digital signal processor.

Advanced functionality

The only photovoltaic inverters on the market with advanced electroluminescence function, developed to simplify maintenance and optimize the performance of solar plants.

Liquid Cooling System (LCS)
Ingeteam has already supplied +52 GW of liquid cooled wind power converters worldwide. It offers a greater thermal stability and a more optimized component usage. The LCS has been designed to refrigerate the IGBTs, the power phases and the IP65 / NEMA 3 compartment. It features less moving components, so it consumes a lower amount of power and it requires less maintenance works.


Technical datasheet

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