Press room

Automation Devices

Ingeteam will supply the dataloggers for 44 trams in Romania

Ingeteam will supply the dataloggers for 44 trams in Romania

Ingeteam has been awarded the supply of 44 dataloggers which will be built into ASTRA Arad's 44 trams under Siemens's licence. The trams will be operated in Romania by the municipal councils of  Cluj-Napoca and Oradea. Ingeteam will supply 44 INGESYS IC2 systems to act as dataloggers. &nbs...
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Ingeteam participates in the webinar on the “Digital Transformation of Industrial Systems” hosted by MathWorks

Ingeteam participates in the webinar on the “Digital Transformation of Industrial Systems” hosted by MathWorks

On 17th June, Ingeteam participated in a webinar on the “Digital Transformation of Industrial Systems” hosted by the company MathWorks, in which they presented the role that models and their simulation (based on MATLAB/SIMULINK) play in initiatives and trends such as Industrie 4.0, Digital Twins, Da...
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Ingeteam supplies the TCMS hardware for the new generation of Tülomsas locomotives

Ingeteam supplies the TCMS hardware for the new generation of Tülomsas locomotives

In 2019, Ingeteam started to supply the Turkish manufacturer Tülomsas (Türkiye Lokomotif ve Motor Sanayii A.Ş) with the TCMSs for its seven new-generation, diesel-electric locomotives soon to be sent to the Turkish steel manufacturer Kardemir.  Ingeteam supplied the TCMS hardware based on a mo...
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Ingeteam is awarded the supply of 44 control systems for toilet modules in the OBB LUNA project (Austria)

Ingeteam is awarded the supply of 44 control systems for toilet modules in the OBB LUNA project (Austria)

The month of March saw, Ingeteam awarded the supply of 44 toilet module systems through the manufacturer COPLASS SAS for the refurbishment project that OBB will undertake in its own carriages. The project is based on transforming old compartments into sleepers. The contractor is Molinari Rail and t...
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Ingeteam supplies the first controller prototypes for a railway BTMS

Ingeteam supplies the first controller prototypes for a railway BTMS

Ingeteam has supplied the first controller prototypes (based on INGESYS IC2) to the HVAC manufacturer Grayson Thermal Systems for an innovative Railway application. Grayson Thermal Systems has been working with a French battery manufacturer on the development of a battery thermal management system o...
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New EN50155:2017 certification for INGESYS IC2 controller

New EN50155:2017 certification for INGESYS IC2 controller

Recently, the certification tests of new INGESYS IC2 controller modules, compliant with the new 2017 edition of the EN50155 standard, were successfully completed. Besides the obligatory tests stipulated in the standard, on this occasion, the 48h salt mist test was also successfully completed, ...
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