• Co-creando plataformas tecnológicas

    Co-creando plataformas tecnológicas

Generadores Eléctricos Indar para Energía Eólica

In line with our commitment to offering our clients comprehensive, custom-made solutions, Indar offers a complete 360º CRS service with all our products.

This service includes comprehensive consultancy, direct technical support, training and maintenance throughout the lifetime of the generators manufactured by INDAR.

360º CRS is a dynamic, personalised service that covers all of stages and contact points between INDAR and its clients. The 360ºCRS programme is supported by a professional technical team whose goal is client satisfaction and continuous improvement of products and services, always hand in hand with the latest advances and technologies in each application sector.

The Technical Support Service included in 360º CRS provides our clients with specific preventive and corrective maintenance programmes for the whole product range, as well as a personalised customer service and guaranteed on-site assistance in less than 48 hours in any part of the world.


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