In the actual world juncture of Energy Transition and Decarbonation, that seeks the reduction of the CO2 emissions, and fights against the climatic change, many countries are changing their mix of electric generation, boosting the Renewable Energies against the traditional generation sources based on Fossil and Nuclear fuels.
INDARCOM, The Grid Reinforcer
Indar is able to provide solutions to support grid challenges. The solution can provide reactive power, short circuit power and required inertia adapting to customer needs.
The solution configuration process can be defined as follows:

INDAR’s Synchronous Condensers are endorsed by the great experience hoarded during its 80 years of history manufacturing electric rotating machines and the great knowledge of the INGETEAM Group in the area of Transmission, Distribution, Generation and Consumption of Electric Energy.
INDARGRID, the Game Changer in Grid Code Compliance
Indar unveils the solution for the synchronous generators in the new era. INDARGRID is the ecosystem that will conduct the integration of renewable energies into the Power Grid allowing each power plant to provide high value services to the Network.
The irruption of renewable generation sources in the electric transmission system brings a revolution in its operation. At Indar we have anticipated this challenge by developing a solution that will change the way in which synchronous generation is integrated into the system.