
Marine and ports

Ingeteam heads a project to slash emissions from coastal vessels in the Basque Country

Ingeteam heads a project to slash emissions from coastal vessels in the Basque Country

Ingeteam is heading a project which will allow a Basque training ship to navigate in pure electric mode, with zero emissions, when entering and leaving ports and during operations in protected environments. This is one of the schemes forming part of the R&D project executed by a consortium of Ba...
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Real SHORT-CIRCUIT test on DP3 vessels

Ingeteam has designed and accomplished the commissioning of the following two DP3 Accommodation Vessels for the Mexican shipowner PEMEX. These vessels have the particularity of having only one retractable thruster powered at the same time from both DP zones (DP1 and DP2). REFORMA PEMEX built at H...
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The Khankendi subsea construction vessel has completed its first project installation activity offshore Azerbaijan

The Khankendi subsea construction vessel has completed its first project installation activity offshore Azerbaijan

Ingeteam is proud to have participated in the construction of the Subsea Construction Vessel KHANKENDI. The vessel was specifically designed and built by Azerbaijan’s Baku Shipyard to install the biggest subsea production system in the Caspian Sea as part of the BP-operated Shah Deniz Stage 2 projec...
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High-Efficiency, Integrated Compact Power System for Electric Propulsion Vessels

High-Efficiency, Integrated Compact Power System for Electric Propulsion Vessels

Ingeteam presents the INGEDRIVE E3-Ship system, which achieves fuel savings of up to 24% in offshore vessels depending on the operational mode or profile.  INGEDRIVE permits the integration and optimal functioning of all of the electrical power generation systems, energy storage systems and lo...
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Ingeteam has been at Norshipping and Electric & Hybrid World Expo

Ingeteam has been at Norshipping and Electric & Hybrid World Expo

Two of the most important events in the marine sector took place in Europe recently. The first was Norshipping, where Ingeteam together with indar presented joint motor-converter products whilst having the opportunity to share different impressions and business opportunities with our clients. The s...
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