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Frequency Converters

Ingeteam will supply two medium-voltage variable speed drives for the mining and mineral processing sector into West Africa

Ingeteam will supply two medium-voltage variable speed drives for the mining and mineral processing sector into West Africa

In the first quarter of 2019, Ingeteam was awarded a contract for the delivery of two air-cooled, medium voltage variable speed drives from the INGEDRIVE MV700 family, with a 24P DFE diode rectifier and dv/dt output filter. INGEDRIVE MV700 medium-voltage variable speed drives will be insta...
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Commissioning of medium-voltage variable speed drive for one vertical grinding mill in Turkey finishes successfully

Commissioning of medium-voltage variable speed drive for one vertical grinding mill in Turkey finishes successfully

In the first quarter of 2019, Ingeteam successfully finished the commissioning of the medium-voltage variable speed drive for the Vertical Grinding mill HIG 2650/15000 - Fine Grinding Mill for Copper Project in Turkey for a greenfield Copper Mine.  Ingeteam was awarded the main drive package by...
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The final testing of large Mill drive

The final testing of large Mill drive

This is a picture of one Water Cooled Medium Voltage, Variable Speed Drive (VSD) in a multi- drive configuration and built for driving one dual pinion ball mill of 9500 kW (2x 4750 kW) Plus 150% starting overload or one min. The overall footprint of this VSD is very compact (LxWxH) 5200 x 1400 x 27...
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Ingeteam will supply VSD variable speed drive for the mineral processing sector in Russian Federation

Ingeteam will supply VSD variable speed drive for the mineral processing sector in Russian Federation

INGEDRIVE™ MV700 medium-voltage variable speed drive to be used for the mill drive at a greenfield gold mine in East Siberia, Russia.  In the fourth quarter of 2018, The company NCP (New Concept Project) based out of South Africa awarded a contract to Ingeteam for the delivery of one medium-vo...
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Ingeteam renews its collaboration agreement with the University of British Columbia

Ingeteam renews its collaboration agreement with the University of British Columbia

Two years ago, Ingeteam signed a collaboration agreement with the “Institute of Mining Engineering” (part of the University of British Columbia), for studying the effect of using variable-speed drives in grinding circuits. This agreement has been recently renewed for another two years. The agreement...
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Ingeteam will supply VSD variable speed drive for the mineral processing sector in USA

Ingeteam will supply VSD variable speed drive for the mineral processing sector in USA

INGEDRIVE™ MV100 medium-voltage variable speed drive to be used for the mill drive at a greenfield copper mine in Nevada, USA.  In the third quarter of 2018, The company FLSmidth awarded a contract to Ingeteam for the delivery of one medium-voltage variable speed drive from the INGEDRIVE™ ...
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