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Ingeteam obtains authorisation from the Chilean authorities for its photovoltaic inverters

Ingeteam obtains authorisation from the Chilean authorities for its photovoltaic inverters

On the 17th July last, Ingeteam obtained authorisation for the use of its string inverters in residential generating systems. The authorisation document was signed by the Electricity and Fuel Superintendence (SEC) of the Ministry of Energy of Chile.

This authorisation allows the string inverters made by Ingeteam to be installed and used in accordance with Law 20.571 of the Government of Chile, governing the payment of the electricity tariffs for residential generating systems. 

Therefore, according to this law, either an individual or company can install a Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (ERNC) generating system on its property and use the energy produced for self consumption (up to a maximum of 100 kW). Whenever more energy is produced than consumed (surplus), then this can be injected into the public electricity grid, and the price of this energy is then deducted from the next electricity bill. This billing system is known as net metering.

The PV inverters

The string inverters approved by the Chilean SEC, under Law 20.571, pertain to the INGECON SUN 1Play (2.5 6 kW) single-phase transformerless family with a dual MPPT input, and also to the INGECON SUN 3Play (10 - 20 kW) three-phase inverter family. As far as the three-phase inverters are concerned, these have been approved for both the single and dual MPPT input modes.

To date, Ingeteam has supplied more than 4 GWp to its customers, confirming its position as one of the world's leading inverter manufacturers.
