Ence has awarded Ingeteam a new contract for the operation and maintenance of its biomass plant in Mérida. This plant, constructed with the latest innovations for the transmission, storage and production of energy using biomass sourced from forest and agricultural-based residues, has a net installed power of 20 megawatts, giving an annual production of 160 million kWh/year.
Furthermore, the plant offers optimal environmental performance, thanks to the incorporation of a reheat cycle and a bag filter to capture the combustion gases at the boiler outlet, among other technologies.
As a result of the contract award, Ingeteam is to hire some 30 new workers, who will be directly involved in this project. In order to maintain a stable growth path in today's ever-changing, complex market, Ingeteam is focussed on business and customer diversification. This also involves a clear movement towards cross-sectoral multi-technology, materialising in new projects such as the awarding of this new contract in which Ingeteam is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Biomass plant in Mérida.