Recloser and sectionalizer controller | INGEPAC™ DA PT4 / PT5

INGEPAC™ DA PT4 and PT5 multifunctional equipment offers a complete solution for protecting and controlling reclosers in radial (3 voltages) or open loop grids (6 voltages), locally or remotely.

Besides the main protection functions, they incorporate different hardware options (display, functional keyboards, number of slots) complemented with programming capacities and events and fault registration.

Equipment can be supplied as standalone electronic devices or built into control cabinets for outdoor use and comes with all necessary accessories (power sources, batteries, connectors, etc.).



  • Complete recloser signalling
  • Remote and local control
  • Complete measurement at the point of installation in the grid: V, I, P, Q, f, cos ϕ, active, reactive energy, harmonics, dips, swells, interruptions, etc.
  • Voltage presence detection on one or both sides of the recloser
  • Fault passage detection and automatic trigger
  • Automatic reclosing with synchronism check
  • Voltage and frequency protection
  • Fault location
  • SCADA communication through several communication protocols (DNP3, IEC 104, IEC 61850…) and remote equipment management (using software tools or web access)
  • Horizontal communication between equipment
  • Event recording: incidents, faults, oscillography
  • IEEE 1588, SNTP or IRIG-B synchronization
  • Automatic restoration with loop Automation



  • Automatic overhead line recloser in radial grids
  • Fault isolation with switch disconnector in overhead grid
  • Automatic restoration system for fault isolation in open loop grids

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