This year, Ingeteam commissioned a
battery energy storage system (BESS) for a 28MW hybrid electricity generation and storage configuration with an existing diesel battery in Cambridgeshire (United Kingdom). In this plant, there are 21MW diesel generator units. It is a 3.5MW BESS with a storage capacity of 2MWh applicable to firm frequency regulation in the National Grid.
As regards the storage system, Ingeteam is responsible for an
INGEGRID™ STORAGE container that includes the power electronics equipment (converters), an energy management system (EMS), an advanced automation controller and lithium-ion batteries.
INGEGRID™ STORAGE converters are low-voltage AC/DC (PCS) power conversion devices designed to be directly connected to batteries of different manufacturers and interconnected to distribution grids. The built-in technology in INGEGRID™ STORAGE PCSs complies with the most demanding standards for applications linked to the grid. It is also shared technology, verified in other systems where Ingeteam has an important presence in the market (wind energy, PV, marine, steelmaking, oil and gas
and mining).
Cambridgeshire is the first storage solution in the United Kingdom but in this market, we have also installed the same converter technology in the last three years for
STATCOM wind farm grid code compliant applications. Hence, Ingeteam is actively contributing to both types of solutions in improving the energy supply quality in the UK.
For more information, please contact:
Luis Manuel Sáiz | PGA - Power Electronics Systems Sales Manager