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Integrated Ingeteam Substation Automation System as a reliable solution for modern substation in Sarajevo West

Integrated Ingeteam Substation Automation System as a reliable solution for modern substation in Sarajevo West

Integrated Ingeteam Substation Automation System as a reliable solution for modern substation in Sarajevo West General Engineering d.o.o., as the Main contractor, had successfully implemented replacement of existing legacy system based on Control & Protection IEDs and ISKRA SYSEN SCADA system with new IEC 61850 iSAS system based on INGEPAC™ EF family of relays and INGESAS™ IT SCADA system. New iSAS system installed in SS 110/20/10 kV Hadzici, only source of power supply for 20 kV industrial zone in Sarajevo, is based on IEC 61850 protocol with the use of INGEPAC™ EF family of relays, INGESAS™ IC3 Gateways and INGESAS™ IT SCADA software.


Following list of Ingeteam equipment was installed in the substation:

• INGEPAC™ EF CD - Bay Control Unit
• INGEPAC™ EF ZT - Line Protection and Control
• INGEPAC™ EF TD - Transformer Protection and Control
• INGEPAC™ EF CD - Voltage Regulator
• INGEPAC™ EF MD - MV Circuit Breaker
• INGESAS™ IC3 - Substation Communication Gateway
• INGESAS™ IT - SCADA Software

Using unique engineering benefits provided by Ingeteam technology and manufacturer’s comprehensive support and the transmission company of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the end client, received the state of the art IEC 61850 solution 2 months ahead of deadline, in August 2017.

For more information: Roberto Murga | Business Development Manager
