Sala de imprensa


Metro Rio de Janeiro will install Ingeteam energy recovery system

For the first time, this system developped by INGETEAM to recover energy from train braking, will be installed in the Americas.

After the development of different projects in Europe, Río de Janeiro will reduce energy consumption on its metro system thanks to the Ingeber solution, proposed by Ingeteam.

This system is ideal for urban and suburban railways systems, given the fact that these are all required to make many stops, which is precisely when the Ingeber recovers the energy. Trains not only consume, but they also produce energy during braking; Ingeber allows the recovery of the kinetic energy produced when train is braking, that should be burnt on the resistors. Ingeber makes possible to re-use  the energy recovered, to feed it back to the grid, to consume it on operator´s installations or to store it.

Metro Rio will reduce its energy bill and its emmissions by installing INGEBER on a substation located on line 2.

Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussels (Belgium), Bielefeld (Germany), and Wien (Austria), have also reduced energy consumption and emmissions on railways operations  by installing  INGEBER developed by INGETEAM.
