INGEDRIVE™ MV100 medium-voltage variable speed drive to be used for the mill drive at a greenfield copper mine in Nevada, USA.
In the third quarter of 2018, The company FLSmidth awarded a contract to Ingeteam for the delivery of one medium-voltage variable speed drive from the INGEDRIVE™ MV100 family with the following characteristics: UL listed, air-cooled, 24 Pulse diode front end rectifier, 3 level NPC Inverter with a power of 3400HP plus peak overload of 200% and output dv/dt filter with 4.16kV output voltage. The scope of supply also includes two by-pass contactors, oil- type outdoor step down and Rectifier transformer. External transformers provide installation flexibility and compact footprint of the variable speed drive that will be installed into the electrical room.
The drive configuration for this project known as SBRS (Start Ball, Run SAG) meaning that the VSD is to soft- start with frozen charge detection the ball mill, run up to nominal speed, smoothly connect ball mill to the grid so that the ball mill is operating with fixed speed, then soft- start with frozen charge detection the SAG mill as well as operate the SAG mill with variable speed. Each grinding mill will have an installed power of 3400 HP and the equipment will be delivered during the first quarter of 2019.

Advantages of SBRS (Start Ball, Run SAG) is soft electrical and mechanical start of the ball mill with the advance feature of frozen charge detection as well as the robust and low maintenance squirrel cage Machines compared with the legacy technology wound rotor machines.
INGEDRIVE™ is available with power ratings up to 44 MVA, from 400V to 690V in low voltage and 3 kV to 6.6 kV in medium voltage, offering great performance, reliability, together with a user-friendly interface.
Per Thorn | Industrial & Marine Drives Sales Manager