
Smart City

Ingeteam awarded approval by Nissan for its rapid EV charging station

Ingeteam awarded approval by Nissan for its rapid EV charging station

Ingeteam has received Nissan's letter of acknowledgement for the compatibility of its CHAdeMO charger with the Nissan Leaf electric car model. The approval was obtained following a period of technical trials conducted at Ingeteam's facilities in Sarriguren (Navarre) with an electric car loaned by th...
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Ingeteam will participate once again in CIGRÉ

Ingeteam will participate once again in CIGRÉ

Ingeteam Power Technology, through its unit business - Power Grid Automation (PGA) will participate once again in CIGRÉ, which will be held in Paris at the Palais du Congres between 25th and 29th August, 2014. As in previous editions and being one of the most relevant fairs of the T&D se...
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Ingeteam is awarded the French CRE's largest photovoltaic plant with energy storage, reinforcing its leading position in the field of insular electricity grids

Ingeteam is awarded the French CRE's largest photovoltaic plant with energy storage, reinforcing its leading position in the field of insular electricity grids

Ingeteam, global leader in power electronics and electrical engineering, in consortium with SAFT, the world's leading battery manufacturer, and Corex Solar, a local constructor in La Réunion, have signed a multi-million euro contract for supplying the French CRE's (Comisión de Ré...
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The "My Smart City" project has successfully completed its tour

The "My Smart City" project has successfully completed its tour

30 days to study the 30 cities forming part of the Spanish Smart City Network. The "My Smart City" project conducted by two geographers from Valladolid was directed at studying and disseminating the idea of Smart Cities in Spain. Sponsored by Ingeteam and Renault ZE, the two partners of GEOCyL, Pabl...
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Ingeteam launches a 1 MW PV inverter

Ingeteam launches a 1 MW PV inverter

Ingeteam presents its new  INGECON SUN PowerMax central inverter. With a 1 MW AC rated power, this new equipment features an advanced air cooling system, that enables it to provide its 1,019 kW peak power up to 45ºC ambient temperature. Moreover, PowerMax inverters allow now a maximum DC v...
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Ingeteam develops a new app for iPhone to monitor PV installations

Ingeteam develops a new app for iPhone to monitor PV installations

Ingeteam has just developed an iPhone app to monitor PV installations. This new application provides access to the entire information on the PV plant production. From now on, any iPhone /iPod Touch/iPad user will be able to keep an updated energy generation record from any place, as simply as using ...
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