
Thanks for visiting us at Eurasia Rail !

Thanks for visiting us at Eurasia Rail !

Ingeteam participated for the first time with its own stand in the Eurasia Rail trade fair which took place in Izmir, Turkey, from 10th to 12th April. 

Known as the only railway industry exhibition in the Euroasia area and one of the largest in the world, Eurasia Rail brings together worldwide industry leaders in the areas of rolling stock, infrastructure and logistics.

Eurasia Rail, held for the eighth time in 2019, is the key international commercial platform, bringing major companies in the sector and visiting professionals together under the same roof.

Ingeteam presented the latest features of the main products in its INGESYSTM range, designed for railway applications:

  • INGESYSTM IC2 for controlling train subsystems (HVAC, WC, FDS, etc.). 
  • INGESYSTM TCMS designed to cover the different automation requirements found in a train (VCU, RIO, MU, TWC, etc).
  • INGESYSTM RCM for remotely monitoring the status of the different elements in a train. 
  • INGESYSTM GW which enables the interconnection of intelligent devices in trams and trains through the conversion of communication protocols.

The fair leaves us with a good taste in the mouth and new business opportunities in this sector.

Thank you for your visit.  We look forward to seeing you at Eurasia Rail 2021!

Izaskun Apraiz Elguezabal | Automation Devices Marketing Manager
