Press room

O&M Services

Ingeteam uses drones for enhanced PV plant performance

Ingeteam uses drones for enhanced PV plant performance

Ingeteam is involved in a research project focused on optimizing PV plant performance with the use of drones. This new system is directed at meeting the main challenge faced by solar PV plants today: the need to achieve high returns in order to compete against other sources of energy, both renewable...
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Ingeteam is to take part in Pablo's Challenge

Ingeteam is to take part in Pablo's Challenge

Ingeteam is to support the Pablo's Challenge event organised for the 5th October this year and consisting in the Non-Stop MTB (mountain bike) ride along the 650 kms between Barcelona and Albacete. This initiative is one of the schemes that has won a sponsorship in the "Follow Your Dreams" contest or...
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Ingeteam is developing a tool to reduce operation and maintenance costs and risks at offshore wind farms

Ingeteam is developing a tool to reduce operation and maintenance costs and risks at offshore wind farms

Ingeteam is working on a project to develop a new software tool to make it possible to calculate the optimal O&M strategies and reduce cost uncertainty of the operation of offshore wind farms, thereby opening up new market opportunities.  The project, named "Poseidom", has a total budget o...
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Ingeteam is maintaining more than half the photovoltaic power installed in Mexico

Ingeteam is maintaining more than half the photovoltaic power installed in Mexico

The company has won a new O&M contract in the north of the country. Ingeteam is the leading company in the provision of operation and maintenance services to wind farms and to the PV sector in Mexico.  Ingeteam has been awarded an Operation & Maintenance contrac...
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Ingeteam Service continues its international expansion and strengthens its leadership position in O&M

Ingeteam Service continues its international expansion and strengthens its leadership position in O&M

This global presence has been boosted with the opening of new subsidiaries in Honduras and Bulgaria. As an ISP, the company has strengthened its global leadership position in the provision of power plant Operation & Maintenance Services.  Ingeteam has opened a new subsidiary in ...
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GWO Certifies three of Ingeteam's centres of work in Spain, Mexico and Chile

GWO Certifies three of Ingeteam's centres of work in Spain, Mexico and Chile

The GWO (Global Wind Organization) has certified the Management Systems of three of Ingeteam's places of work. The centres certified are: the head offices of Ingeteam in Albacete; the centre in Mexico, located in Juchitán de Zaragoza; and the centre in Chile located in Las Condes. The certificate aw...
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