Salle de presse

O&M Services

Ingeteam is to provide maintenance services for a biomass plant that produces energy from olive waste

Ingeteam is to provide maintenance services for a biomass plant that produces energy from olive waste

The Ence biomass plant, located in Ciudad Real, is a pioneer in the use of olive pomace for the large-scale generation of electricity, an activity which valorizes and takes full advantage of the waste produced. Ingeteam is planning to recruit 30 new employees to cover the operation and maintenan...
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Ingeteam Group to present latest innovations at AWEA WINDPOWER 2018

Ingeteam Group to present latest innovations at AWEA WINDPOWER 2018

Ingeteam and Indar (Ingeteam Group), independent suppliers of electrical conversion equipment, will exhibit at AWEA WINDPOWER 2018, to be held this year in Chicago, United States, May 7-10. At this occasion, Ingeteam will present its latest developments in the field of O&M predictive mainte...
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Ingeteam reaches the milestone of 50 GW in the supply of power converters for renewable energy plants

Ingeteam reaches the milestone of 50 GW in the supply of power converters for renewable energy plants

Ingeteam has reached the milestone of 50 GW in the supply of power converters for renewable energy plants. To obtain the same amount of power from coal, it would have been necessary to burn 36 million tons of coal that would have emitted 110 million tons of carbon dioxide. In terms of energy, the 5...
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Ingeteam wins control center contract with leading Mexican renewable energy company Zuma Energía

Ingeteam wins control center contract with leading Mexican renewable energy company Zuma Energía

Ingeteam, an independent global supplier of electrical conversion and turbine control equipment, announced today that it has been awarded a substantial contract by leading Mexican renewable energy developer Zuma Energía to provide a state-of-the-art control center for its operational wind farm in Oa...
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Ingeteam dépasse en France la barre des 1 GW en Services d'Exploitation et Maintenance

Ingeteam dépasse en France la barre des 1 GW en Services d'Exploitation et Maintenance

Au moment même où Ingeteam renforce sa position de leader mondial sur les services d’O&M en dépassant les 12 GW, la filiale française annonce avoir dépassé les 1 GW. L’entreprise dépasse cette barre symbolique après seulement 7 ans de présence dans le pays. L’éolien est le secteur qui a connu le...
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Ingeteam and Indar to exhibit at WindEurope 2017

Ingeteam and Indar to exhibit at WindEurope 2017

Ingeteam, an independent global supplier of electrical conversion equipment, will present its full range of wind energy drive train products at the WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2017, taking place later this month in Amsterdam. Exhibiting at booth #1D24, Ingeteam will showcase its power con...
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