Ingeteam has just developed an iPhone app to monitor PV installations. This new application provides access to the entire information on the PV plant production. From now on, any iPhone /iPod Touch/iPad user will be able to keep an updated energy generation record from any place, as simply as using a mobile phone.
This new app has been developed together with the new version of the monitoring software Ingecon® Web Monitor, the key web portal for PV plant access, where every owner, installer or promoter of any PV plant can control his installation’s production data. This software also contains all the Ingecon® data sheets about Ingeteam’s inverters and technological solutions.
Now available on the App Store and compatible with iPhone 5
The Ingecon® Web Monitor app is available on the App Store in five different languages (English, Spanish, German, French and Italian). All the energy generation data is available in list and graphic format or even through an e-mailed report. Also, it can be obtained on a daily, monthly or yearly basis. Furthermore, the software features a geolocation system for placing the data on the map at the real location of the installation.