The Full Skid power station is equipped with everything necessary: storage inverters (INGECON SUN STORAGE 3Power C Series), a step-up transformer, oil deposit, auxiliary services panel, MV switchgear and auxiliary services transformer.

IEC or UL components

This power station is available with IEC or UL components alike. Thus, it can be marketed to any country in the world.

The most optimised logistics

This Full Skid solution has been specially conceived for its optimised transport logistics. It can be transported directly by truck or by ship inside a 40ft open-top container. Moreover, thanks to its "plug and play" design, it minimises not only the logistics, but also the installation and commissioning works, as it integrates the oil deposit, so there is no need to build one on site.

Last generation inverters

This Full Skid C Series power station integrates two INGECON SUN STORAGE 3Power C Series inverters. These inverters deploy IP65 protection rating and a greater thermal stability thanks to its liquid cooling system.


Storage FSK HV Series Datasheet

Storage FSK C Series Datasheet

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