Thank you for visiting us at TRAKO 2017

Thank you for visiting us at TRAKO 2017

As in previous years, Ingeteam participated in the TRAKO trade fair which took place in Gdansk, Poland, from 26th to 29th September. 

Ingeteam’s “Traction” and “Automation Devices” business units  participated with their own stand, presenting their range of products designed for the railway sector. 

The Automation Devices” business area presented two main products:

  • INGESYSTM IC2:  A compactly-designed, cost-efficient control system for train subsystem automation (HVAC, WC, doors, etc.).  Its modular design, compliant with EN50155 and EN45545-2 standards, adapts to the most demanding mechanical, environmental and fire-fighting requirements in the railway sector.  
  • INGESYSTM TCMS: A modular system designed to cover train automation  (VCU, RIO, MU, TWC, etc.) requirements with a large range of communication protocols compliant with the IEC61375-1 standard and EN50155 and EN45545-2 regulations. It offers powerful tools for developing and simulating the application as well as a wide range of communication interfaces (MVB, WTB, Ethernet IP/CIP, TRDP, etc.). 

The solutions presented caught the interest of the many visitors who visited the stand throughout the fair, which will undoubtedly lead to new developments and new opportunities in this sector.   

Thank you for your visit!

Izaskun Apraiz Elguezabal | Automation Devices Marketing Manager
