Power Transmission and Distribution

Ingeteam’s Ingepac EF MD relays to protect Taweelah Power Station (UAE) Distribution Grid

Ingeteam’s Ingepac EF MD relays to protect Taweelah Power Station (UAE) Distribution Grid

Ingeteam will supply its Multifunction Relay Ingepac EF MD model to protect Taweelah Power Station’s Distribution Grid during their upcoming upgrade project. The Ingepac EF MD has been selected as the most suitable solution for the retrofit project thanks to its compact size, multifunction cap...
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Ingeteam reinforces its position in the Brazilian wind sector with another 196 MVA

Ingeteam reinforces its position in the Brazilian wind sector with another 196 MVA

Ingeteam has been awarded another two contracts for supplying Protection, Control and Supervision Systems in Brazil, for the automation of CER's Assuruá 68 MVA, 230kV Wind Farm at the Gentio do Ouro Power Plant, and for the Serra I, Serra II, Serra III and Lanchinha de Gestamp wind farms, wit...
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Ingeteam will supply equipment for Iberdrola's STAR project

Ingeteam has obtained a contract to supply supervision equipment for the Iberdrola Group's STAR project (grid automation telecontrol system) medium-voltage grid.  This project, which targets the smartgrid sector, will equip [AD1] 10.3 million meters and approximately 80,000 transformer sub...
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Ingeteam launches its line of INGEPAC SR voltage metering sensors

Ingeteam launches its line of INGEPAC SR voltage metering sensors

The new range of high-precision sensors (1% in module / 1st in argument) can be applied to grids up to 24KV. This new range has several advantages over conventional voltage transformers, including its smaller size and lower price, assuring the level of isolation and protection at all times. The tra...
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Ingeteam renews the distribution contract with TEMPOS SERV SRL in Romania

Ingeteam has renewed its distribution contract with TEMPOS SERV SRL in the Romanian market, for its electrical distribution grid control and protection products.  With the prospect of renewable energy development foreseen in this country, in 2013 Ingeteam decided to strengthen its presence in ...
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Ingeteam is awarded the French CRE's largest photovoltaic plant with energy storage, reinforcing its leading position in the field of insular electricity grids

Ingeteam is awarded the French CRE's largest photovoltaic plant with energy storage, reinforcing its leading position in the field of insular electricity grids

Ingeteam, global leader in power electronics and electrical engineering, in consortium with SAFT, the world's leading battery manufacturer, and Corex Solar, a local constructor in La Réunion, have signed a multi-million euro contract for supplying the French CRE's (Comisión de Ré...
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