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Ingeteam supplies battery inverters to a 20MW/80MWh ESS project in California

Ingeteam supplies battery inverters to a 20MW/80MWh ESS project in California

The Johanna 1 & 2 projects try to determine whether clean distributed energy can offset the increasing demand for electricity in central Orange County. Ingeteam has supplied 20 battery inverters for this milestone project owned and operated by Hecate Energy and built by Mitsubishi Power. &...
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Ingeteam exposera au forum Energaïa ses dernières nouveautés dans le secteur de la photovoltaïque et de la mobilité électrique

Ingeteam exposera au forum Energaïa ses dernières nouveautés dans le secteur de la photovoltaïque et de la mobilité électrique

Ingeteam sera présente cette année encore au rendez-vous le plus important du secteur des énergies renouvelables, qui se tient en France. La société fera connaître au public ses nouveautés dans les produits et services dirigés au secteur photovoltaïque, au stockage d’énergie et à la recharge de véhi...
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INGEPAC™ DA PT integration tests carried out in Thailand

INGEPAC™ DA PT integration tests carried out in Thailand

Integration tests were carried out last November in DNP3 on the protection of the INGEPAC™ DA PT recloser with the communications office of a Thai electricity company. INGEPAC™ DA PT5 protection is a multi-purpose protection device designed to automate open loop reclosers, with 6 voltag...
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Power Grid Automation signs a new VAR contract in Bosnia

Power Grid Automation signs a new VAR contract in Bosnia

The Power Grid Automation unit has signed a new IngeVAR-Integrador SAS program with the Bosnian General Engineering d.o.o. company. This will provide the best support for the protection and control equipment and systems developed in that country with Ingeteam solutions. These systems include the la...
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Ingeteam celebrates 10 Years of Production in Milwaukee, WI

Ingeteam celebrates 10 Years of Production in Milwaukee, WI

Since opening the production plant ten years ago, Ingeteam has manufactured in Milwaukee more than 3,000 Indar wind generators. Ingeteam has surpassed the 2GW figure of solar inverters supplied to the US.   Ingeteam is celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the completion of its US off...
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Interview with Emilio Alacuart

Interview with Emilio Alacuart

QUESTION: Ingeteam Service currently has 425 MW of power in the wind energy industry, 270 MW in the UK photovoltaic industry and a market share of 2%. How have you managed to reach these figures in just 6 years? ANSWER: We continue growing and opting for new projects. Reaching such significant figu...
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