Salle de presse

Ingeteam inaugurates its new offices in Mexico

Ingeteam inaugurates its new offices in Mexico

Within the framework of its internationalisation process, Ingeteam, a leading Spanish company in the provision of operation and maintenance services to renewable plants in Latin America, has inaugurated its new offices in Mexico.

Located in Juchitán, in the state of Oaxaca, a strategic area and a benchmark for the country's wind power sector, the new facilities will house the company's central offices in this Aztec country. This new centre has led to the creation of more than 200 local jobs, contributing to the creation of wealth and economic development in the region.

The inauguration is an example of the strengthening and positioning of the company in Mexico. Thanks to the State's commitment to renewables, this country has become a strategic place within Ingeteam's internationalisation process. 

Whilst Ingeteam has been operating in Mexico since 1998, it is in the last five years that it has managed to create and strengthen a sound financial and business structure, enabling the company to position itself as the leading wind farm operation and maintenance provider. A leadership which, today, allows it to provide O&M services to half a thousand wind turbines located in wind farms across Mexico, with a total maintained power in the country of 1.2 GW, and 6 GW throughout the world.

Ingeteam is the leading company in the solar PV sector, managing more than 40% of the solar power installed in the country through its inverters. Mexico has slightly more than 100 MW of installed PV power, with Ingeteam technology accounting for 46 MW. With regard to solar farm operation and maintenance, Ingeteam manages 30 MW in Mexico.
