Ingeteam has reached the milestone of 50 GW in the supply of power converters for renewable energy plants. To obtain the same amount of power from coal, it would have been necessary to burn 36 million tons of coal that would have emitted 110 million tons of carbon dioxide. In terms of energy, the 5...
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Over the last few years, there has been a marked increase in the number of installations made in desert environments. This is due to the fact that deserts offer vast tracts of land at relatively cheap prices and with a large number of sun hours, making it possible to reduce the cost of solar energy....
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Ingeteam is involved in a research project focused on optimizing PV plant performance with the use of drones. This new system is directed at meeting the main challenge faced by solar PV plants today: the need to achieve high returns in order to compete against other sources of energy, both renewable...
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Ingeteam has recently supplied its equipment for a solar PV generation project in Brazil. This PV inverter supply, totaling 150 MW, is directed at a project comprising five solar plants, each with an installed capacity of 30 MW. For this project, the developing company has acquired two different con...
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The company has won a new O&M contract in the north of the country. Ingeteam is the leading company in the provision of operation and maintenance services to wind farms and to the PV sector in Mexico. Ingeteam has been awarded an Operation & Maintenance contrac...
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This global presence has been boosted with the opening of new subsidiaries in Honduras and Bulgaria. As an ISP, the company has strengthened its global leadership position in the provision of power plant Operation & Maintenance Services. Ingeteam has opened a new subsidiary in ...
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