The supply of the following Low Voltage equipment, as either fixed, modular or draw-out:

-Power Distribution Boards of up to 690V (CGBT) 
-Motor Control Centers (LV MCC) 
-Panels for lighting, tracing, pushbuttons and local control.
-LV Starter panels. (direct, with variable speed drive, and progressive). 
-AC/DC LV Distribution Cabinets. 
-LV Auxiliary Panels. 
-Energy Metering and Charging Panels.
-Capacitor Bank for reactive power compensation.
-Battery rectifier and charger units and DC batteries (24-125Vdc).

On customer demand, Ingeteam can supply to the following standards:

-IEC 60204-1
-IEC 61439-1.
-IEC 61439-2.
-IEC 61439-3.

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