
INDARCOM, The synchronous condenser solution that improves and strengthens grid stability

INDARCOM, The synchronous condenser solution that improves and strengthens grid stability

Find out about all the features and benefits of the INDARCOM synchronous condenser-based solution, which helps to integrate renewable energies into the electricity grid safely, maintaining and optimising the quality and availability of the electricity supply. INDARCOM is also present in the NOA Stab...
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Ingeteam avoids ship heeling and sinking during large item loading and unloading

Ingeteam avoids ship heeling and sinking during large item loading and unloading

Ingeteam has developed a new technology based on the exhaustive analysis of on board elements and automatic water compensation in the hold to stabilise crane vessels during loading and unloading. This is a Hazitek project, co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (ERD...
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Cooperation Agreement with JSC KONAR

Cooperation Agreement with JSC KONAR

Indar, Ingeteam Group, has signed a Cooperation Agreement with JSC KONAR during the INNOPROM Ekaterinburg event. Signed by Mr. Valery Bondarenko, General Director JSC KONAR & Mr. Peio Pagola (INDAR’s General Director) with the Chelyabinsk Oblast Governor Mr. Alexei Teksler Indar...
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Visit to Indar of Mr. Valeriy Bondarenko, General Director of KONAR JSC

Visit to Indar of Mr. Valeriy Bondarenko, General Director of KONAR JSC

It was a pleasure and honor to welcome Mr. Valeriy Bondarenko, General Director of KONAR JSC, at our premises of Indar, Ingeteam Group, in what we hope will be an open door to future joint collaborations
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Submersible pumps as the right response to the new pumping scenarios associated to the climate change

Submersible pumps as the right response to the new pumping scenarios associated to the climate change

Indar's (Ingeteam Group) submersible pumping solutions to help in the fight against #climatechange by our colleague Maria Elena Rodriguez Hernandez in the #FuturENVIRO magazine.
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Submersible pumps and motors to tackle flood issues

Submersible pumps and motors to tackle flood issues

If you want detailed information about Indar's solutions, you can contact us here. In the current climate context, floods are becoming more frequent. Our towns and cities and their inhabitants suffer the consequences of these unexpected and sometimes unpredictable events.  Storm w...
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