Indar installs its first gigawatt of hydroelectric power in Turkey

Indar installs its first gigawatt of hydroelectric power in Turkey

With its first gigawatt of hydroelectric power installed in Turkey, Indar is currently the leading European company for installed hydroelectric power in that country, boasting a 35% share of the market segment for equipment with powers of up to 50 MVA. Since the privatisation of hydropower generation in Turkey in 2004, Indar has installed more than 2900 MW of power in the hydroelectricity range covered, out of a total of 6000 MW (6 GW) installed over this period.
The power installed by Indar in Turkey is equivalent to an energy supply for more than 300,000 homes. It should be highlighted that Indar has already installed more than a hundred generators in Turkey, one of the world's key hydropower markets. Indar´s extensive customer portfolio includes Mng, Gama Holding, Akkanat Holding, Borusan, Çalik, Sanko Holding amongst others.
Indar has its own representation office in Istanbul whilst its technical support service is located in Ankara.
