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Ingeteam news

Ingeteam enables the evacuation of more than 35% of Spain's renewable energy to the grid

Ingeteam enables the evacuation of more than 35% of Spain's renewable energy to the grid
  • Worldwide, more than 30 GW of generated renewable energy is evacuated to the grid using Ingeteam's technology.
  • The company is a leader in the installation of protection and control systems for renewable energy substations in Spain.
  • Ingeteam recently contributed to the commissioning of the Francisco Pizarro photovoltaic plant (Cáceres), the largest in Europe, which integrates 590 MW into the grid.

Ingeteam technology is present in the form of automation, protection and control systems at the substations where renewable energy is evacuated, and which transform the energy from the generation plants for its transmission and distribution. The company thereby enables evacuation to the grid of more than 35% of the renewable energy generated in Spain.

November 2022 data from Red Eléctrica indicates that the presence of renewable energies in the energy mix has increased to 46.9%, highlighting the importance of evacuation to the grid. Renewable energy generation in November rose by 5.6% in Spain compared to the same month in 2021, totalling 10,200 GWh.

Significant renewables integration is a major challenge for the electricity system. In this respect, Ingeteam provides solutions to make the grid more intelligent and optimise its use. These include innovative technologies based on FACTS (flexible alternating current transmission systems), which provide operators with tools that enable them to quickly react to changing operating conditions, thereby providing stability and optimising existing infrastructure resources.

The positive scenario for renewable energy in Spain has been one of the main foundations that have enabled Ingeteam to win numerous contracts around the world. The company currently has more than 30GW of renewable power evacuated worldwide, with installations spread over 5 continents.

Notable amongst the main facilities commissioned this year is the Francisco Pizarro photovoltaic plant (Cáceres), which has managed to position itself as the largest in Europe, integrating 590 MW into the grid. Ingeteam supplied 92 power stations for this project, the scope of supply for which also includes the control and commissioning system and the protection and control system for the evacuation substation. For Jorge Haya, Director of Ingeteam's Power Grid Automation business unit, "the future will be renewable or there won’t be a future, so our challenge is to put all our electrical power conversion and control electronics technology at the service of this energy transition, of this new sustainable energy model, based on the generation of renewable energy to boost the most efficient consumption, all whilst leaving the smallest possible environmental footprint".
